Mural for CHKD Children’s Hospital

Childrens Hospital Kings Daughters Mural - compositeCindy was commissioned by Innovate Architecture & Interiors to paint a large ceiling mural for the Children’s Hospital of King’s Daughters in Norfolk Virginia.  The mural is now a centerpiece of their renovations.

This was a big project but it went very smoothly from design to installation.  Cindy painted it in her studio over the course of a few months.  She posted updates on her art blog so that the client could follow along from their offices.  This created a great working relationship between a client and artist that had never met face-to-face.

After the mural was completed we drove from Nebraska to Norfolk VA with the mural for the installation.  The construction firm had hired a team for the install, and we were on hand for final touch-up afterwards.

The mural was clear coated one last time and new lighting was installed provide an even glow.  The clients love it, the staff love it and most of all the kids love it.

Below are some final images of the installed mural.

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Cindy’s Tech Notes:

17′ x 50′ Ceiling Mural, done on Tara-Cloth (a light weight poly-fiber canvas that resists stretching) each panel is 18′x 52″ and there are 11.5 panels in total. I paint two at a time, adhering them to the wall with a watered down wall paper paste mixture so that they are easy to remove. Once the two are completed, I take them both down and move the bottom canvas to the top and add a blank canvas on the bottom, this allows me to exactly match them as I go.

Also, I should mention that the colors are not going to be accurate, the camera hates to shoot blues and greens and there is a color shift between the two panels because the top panel is already clear coated and reflects light differently, they match up perfectly.

Here is a video time lapse of me painting the mural:

This mural was featured as part of the Healthcare Design Magazine’s 2014 showcase.
Click here to read the article:
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